
Handle changes in planning

In a workshop you have to pay attention to different projects at the same time. Then an intelligent planning is helpful to steer in case of delays. Such a tool is a must to work relaxed and precisely and to keep appointments with you customers.

Operational Planning
The staffing of the workshop means a challenge again and again. With FastData you react fast to unforeseeable auxiliary work, slowed down supplies or sickness of staff. When projects run out of planning, FastData will report this immediately. So you can be adapt priorities and inform the concerning customers.

For a technician is often difficult to finish the work on, partly due to technical setbacks and customers that require your attention. The workbook of FastData gives a clear overview of the scheduled work and makes it simple to note hours worked.

The scheduled work can be made available as mobile report. Thus you are informed of actual planning and possible changes when you are on the road.

Components and maintenance history
Easily find and note required or used components. The maintenance history gives insight in which activities have been performed to a boat. Thus no time will be lost in analyzing the construction.

5 benefits:

  • replaces your planning board by work books
  • updated planning despite ad hoc activities
  • coupling with FastData agenda
  • continuous hour collection
  • support with keeping appointments

New in version 6

The new work books set the agreements with your customers first. Thus the workshop manager keeps overview and steers the work.